US Military Could Not Handle One Major Theater Operation If Sequester Sticks -- Colin Clark, Breaking Defense
CAPITOL HILL: Even the cameras stopped clicking in a hushed Armed Services hearing room today as Rep. Jim Cooper told the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his colleagues on the biggest committee in Congress today that America’s lawmakers had failed the country.
“You gentlemen make life and death decisions in the Tank almost every day,” a somber Cooper said at a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the automatic budget cuts known as sequestration, looking straight at Army Gen. Ray Odierno, Adm. Jonathan Greenert, Air Force Gen. Mark Welsh and Marine Gen. James Amos. “We are unwilling to even come up with a budget for America.”
Even the usually partisan HASC Chairman Buck McKeon, after offering a very short defense of the House and GOP’s actions on sequestration, spoke the truth to the Joint Chiefs and the packed hearing room: ”It’s not your fault. It is us.”
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Update #1: Exclusive Interview: Pentagon Comptroller Bob Hale Braces for Sequestration, Round 2 -- Defense One
Update #2: The battles over a drawdown at the Pentagon may have begun, but senior leadership is still prioritizing politics over hard budget realities. -- Gordon Adams, National Security/Foreign Policy
My Comment: The Pentagon gets hundreds of billions of dollars each year .... if they cannot fight and win a major war with such a budget .... something is then terribly wrong.
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