Thursday, September 19, 2013

Why Was The Capital Police SWAT Team Ordered To Stand Down When They Arrived At The Washington Navy Yards During The Height Of The Shootings?

Navy Yard: Swat Team 'Stood Down' At Mass Shooting Scene -- BBC

One of the first teams of heavily armed police to respond to Monday's shooting in Washington DC was ordered to stand down by superiors, the BBC can reveal.

A tactical response team of the Capitol Police, a force that guards the US Capitol complex, was told to leave the scene by a supervisor instead of aiding municipal officers.

The Capitol Police department has launched a review into the matter.

Aaron Alexis, 34, killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard.

"I don't think it's a far stretch to say that some lives may have been saved if we were allowed to intervene," a Capitol Police source familiar with the incident told the BBC.

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More News On Why Was The Capital Police SWAT Team Ordered To Stand Down When They Arrived At The Washington Navy Yards During The Height Of The Shootings

Report: Assault Team Ordered to Stand Down During Navy Yard Shooting -- The Atlantic
Report: Capitol Police thwarted from aiding at Navy Yard -- USA Today
SWAT team allegedly ordered to stand down during Navy Yard shooting, investigation launched --
U.S. Capitol Police launch review of its Navy Yard shooting response -- WTOP
Capitol Police chief orders probe into SWAT team response to Navy Yard shootings -- Washington Post/AP
Report: Capitol Police Sent Away From Monday's Shooting -- NBC Washington
Washington Navy Yard shooting: Capitol Police to review response -- BBC


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