Thursday, September 19, 2013

U.S. Supplied Weapons To Syria's Rebels Are Falling Into The Hands Of Al Qaeda

Free Syrian Army fighters in Raqqa, in north-central Syria, on Friday. In mid-August, extremists from ISIS drove an FSA unit from the city. Reuters

Report: American-Supplied Arms Fell Into al Qaeda's Hands -- Threat Matrix

Buried in an interesting account by The Wall Street Journal is this nugget of information (emphasis added):

The Supreme Military Council, led by Gen. Idriss, has been the focus of U.S. efforts to bring a command-and-control structure to rebels--but has now lost to the Islamist extremists most of its ability to operate in some parts of the north.

ISIS fighters recently raided a council arms depot filled with lights [sic] weapons and ammunition, funded by the Gulf states and funneled to the council with the guidance of the Central Intelligence Agency, council members said.

The ISIS is, of course, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, one of two al Qaeda affiliates fighting in Syria. The other is the Al Nusrah Front, which continues to fight alongside its ISIL brethren despite a dispute between the two affiliates' emirs.

Read more ....

My Comment: If this report is true .... I suspect that the CIA is re-evaluating everything right now.


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