Friday, September 20, 2013

Syria Submits An Initial Chemical Arms Inventory To Global Watchdog

The UN has described a chemical weapons attack in Damascus last month as a war crime

Syria 'Submits Chemical Arms Data' -- BBC

Syria has begun sending details of its chemical weapons as part of a US-Russia brokered deal to make them safe, the chemical arms watchdog has said.

The Hague-based OPCW added that it expected more details from Syria in the coming days and had postponed a meeting planned for Sunday.

Syria was given a Saturday deadline to give a full list of its chemical arms.

The US had threatened military action over a chemical attack in Damascus last month, which the UN called a war crime.

The US, UK and France have accused Syrian government forces of carrying out the attack in the Ghouta district, but President Bashar al-Assad has blamed rebel groups.

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More News On Syria Submiting An Initial Chemical Arms Inventory To The Hague-Based OPCW

Syria hands "initial declaration" on chemical weapons to global watchdog -- CBS/AP
OPCW says it has received chemical weapons inventory from Syria; does not release details -- Washington Post/AP
Watchdog gets 'declaration' from Syria regarding chemical weapons -- CNN
Syria Outlines Chemical Weapons Inventory -- Wall Street Journal
Syria has given chemical weapons details to watchdog -- Chicago Tribune/Reuters

My Comment: Submitting this chemical weapon inventory is a positive development .... doing this is not .... Syria moves chemical weapons again, motive unclear -- CNN.


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