Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Secretary of Defense Hagel Talks Security And Syria

Sec. Chuck Hagel Talks Security, Syria With PBS NewsHour -- PBS Newshour

In the wake of the Navy Yard shooting, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel recognizes his department's responsibility to ensure the safety of its employees. But, he told Judy Woodruff, there were "red flags that didn't get connected." On Syria, Hagel said the military is ready to respond to any option the president decides to take.

Sec. Hagel on the Navy Yard shooting: "When something like this happens, something failed, something broke down. Now, we live in an imperfect world. And I said this morning, we don't live in a risk-free society. But that's not an excuse. That's not good enough. We have to do more to assure the safety of all of our people, and we're committed to do that. We'll continue to do that. I'm committed to do it. Everybody is."

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