Friday, September 20, 2013

Iranian President Rouhani Follows In Russian President Putin's Footsteps With An Op-Ed In The Washington Post

Why Iran Seeks Constructive Engagement -- Hassan Rouhani, Washington Post

Three months ago, my platform of “prudence and hope” gained a broad, popular mandate. Iranians embraced my approach to domestic and international affairs because they saw it as long overdue. I’m committed to fulfilling my promises to my people, including my pledge to engage in constructive interaction with the world.

The world has changed. International politics is no longer a zero-sum game but a multi-dimensional arena where cooperation and competition often occur simultaneously. Gone is the age of blood feuds. World leaders are expected to lead in turning threats into opportunities.

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More News On Iranian President Rouhani's Overtures To The West And Reactions To It

'Gone is the age of blood feuds': Iran's Rouhani follows in Putin's footsteps with op-ed -- NBC
Iran's president calls for 'constructive' dialogue, end to 'unhealthy' rivalries -- CNN
Iran's President Seeks 'Constructive Engagement' -- Voice of America
Iran’s Hassan Rouhani prepares for his debut trip to the United Nations -- Washington Post
Hassan Rouhani to take Iran's only Jewish member of parliament to UN -- The Guardian
No time left for negotiations with Iran: Israeli minister -- Reuters
Israel pushes world not to be deceived by Rouhani as he takes 'charm offensive' to US airwaves -- Jerusalem Post
US, allies debate response to seemingly friendlier Iran -- FOX News
US and Iran eye diplomatic defrosting at UN -- AP
Analysis: Obama may extend his hand to Iran's Rouhani at U.N. -- Arshad Mohammed and Matt Spetalnick, Reuters
Can Iran's President Rouhani deliver on his 'charm offensive'? -- James Norton, Christian Science Monitor


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