Monday, August 26, 2013

'Jason Bourne' Supports NSA Leaker Edward Snowden

Matt Damon: Edward Snowden Did A Great Thing -- CNet

In a brief interview slipped onto YouTube, the actor who must know a thing or two about the covert world offers that Edward Snowden seems "conscientious" and that we should all decide whether to give up our civil liberties.

I have just received the video equivalent of a plain brown envelope slipped beneath my door.

It was a link to a YouTube video that hardly anyone appears to have seen.

On screen is Matt Damon, who appears to be talking to a journalist of foreign provenance.

He is being asked what he thinks of Edward Snowden. Astonishingly for someone who has been Jason Bourne and knows the danger of such things, he is answering the question.

"I haven't read everything that he's leaked," he admits. Who has? Even the government doesn't know what Snowden secreted on his gadgets.

Read more ....

My Comment: I love the Jason Bourne series of films .... and the books .... I am also not a fan of Matt Damon's politics .... but he is probably right on this one.


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