Putin’s Silence On Syria Suggests His Resignation Over Intervention -- New York Times
MOSCOW — Russia has made its opposition to military intervention in Syria vehemently clear. The foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, warns daily about the risk of an escalating conflagration. A deputy prime minister said the West dealt with the Islamic world like “a monkey with a grenade.” A few commentators on the fringe have warned of World War III.
The one voice that has remained silent, though, is the one that matters most.
President Vladimir V. Putin has conspicuously avoided public comment on reports of a chemical weapons attack on civilians outside of Damascus, the Syrian capital, on Aug. 21, which killed hundreds of people. Instead he has carried on, like many ordinary Russians, as if the civil war in Syria had not reached an ominous new phase. In the days after the attack, Mr. Putin attended a ceremony for the restoration of a fountain made famous in World War II, visited a breakaway province of neighboring Georgia and toured a mine and dam in Siberia.
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Update #1: Syria: Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin are as far apart as ever -- The Telegraph
Update #2: Russia Seethes on Sidelines as West Prepares Syria Actions -- Voice of America
My Comment: The U.S. - Russian reset is .... I can comfortably say .... is dead.
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