Friday, August 30, 2013

War Fever Is Now Gripping The Middle East

Image from The Economist

Turkey And Jordan Brace For The Worst As War Fever Grips The Region -- Haaretz

Like Israelis, people living in countries bordering Syria fear the violence may spill over and affect them.

Israelis aren’t the only ones in the region bracing themselves for a possible American attack on Syria; other nations that share a border with Syria are also tense, fearing a regional campaign that is liable to involve further use of chemical weapons.

Jordan seems to be the most concerned, as expressed by the stream of reports coming from Amman and the cities and regions adjacent to the Syrian border.

“Naturally it’s the talk of the day and the tension is great,” a Jordanian intellectual and resident of Amman told Haaretz yesterday evening. “I can attest that the pace of commerce and the markets in Amman are showing signs of a slowdown in the past week. There’s no doubt that people are concerned – perhaps in Amman less so, since it is the capital, after all, and there’s faith that the army, with the help of outside forces, will prevent any harm to the city. But as you get closer to the northern regions that are near the Syrian border, the situation is decidedly different.”

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My Comment: Turkish military forces are now on high alert. Military forces in Saudi Arabia are now on high alert. Hezbollah in Lebanon are now repositioning their military forces. Not to be left out .... Israel, Jordan, and Iraq have also put their military forces on high alert. On top of everything else .... Russia is sending in ships, and even more ominous warnings are coming from Iran. Everyone is now on the edge .... war fever and war coverage is on the air 24/7 .... and everyone is waiting for what President Obama will do.


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