Afghan Mujahideen leader Abdul Rassoul Sayyaf (C) waits with his two vice-presidential nominees, Ismail Khan (R) and Abdul Wahab Arfan (L), to register as a candidate for the presidential election at Afghanistan's Independent Election Commission (IEC) in Kabul October 3, 2013. REUTERS-Omar Sobhani
Former Warlord Named As 'Mentor' Of 9/11 Mastermind To Run For President In Afghanistan -- FOX News
The former Islamist warlord who was named in the 9/11 commission report as being the “mentor” of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed -- the mastermind of the attacks -- has announced his candidacy for the presidency of Afghanistan.
Abdul Rab Rasoul Sayyaf, 67, drove through Kabul on Thursday in a motorcade flanked by heavily-armed ex-fighters to register for the April 2014 election, The Telegraph reports.
"We will move to unite Afghanistan. If the nation is together and has the same voice, problems can be solved," Sayyaf said, according to the Associated Press.
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Previous Post: Afghanistan's Next President May Be A Former Warlord Who Had Ties To Osama Bin Laden And Al Qaeda Affiliated Groups
More News On Afghanistan's Presidential Candidate Abdul Rab Rasoul Sayyaf
Former Islamist Warlord Vies for Afghan Presidency -- Wall Street Journal
Man who brought al Qaeda to Afghanistan now runs for president -- Reuters
Ex-Islamist warlord who met bin Laden runs for Afghan presidency -- Global Post/AFP
Former Islamist warlord who brought bin Laden to Afghanistan to run for president -- The Telegraph
Afghan Salafi Leader Announces Presidential Bid -- Radio Free Europe
Sayyaf resigns from Afghan parliament over presidential elections -- Khaama Press
Sayyaf files nomination for presidency with Gen. Dostum’s support -- Khaama Press
Former warlord a contender in Afghanistan elections -- RAWA News
2 former Afghan warlords say they will run on same ticket in April presidential election -- Washington Post/AP
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