The War On Christians -- John L. Allen Jr., The Spectator
The global persecution of Christians is the unreported catastrophe of our time.
Imagine if correspondents in late 1944 had reported the Battle of the Bulge, but without explaining that it was a turning point in the second world war. Or what if finance reporters had told the story of the AIG meltdown in 2008 without adding that it raised questions about derivatives and sub-prime mortgages that could augur a vast financial implosion?
Most people would say that journalists had failed to provide the proper context to understand the news. Yet that’s routinely what media outlets do when it comes to outbreaks of anti-Christian persecution around the world, which is why the global war on Christians remains the greatest story never told of the early 21st century.
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My Comment: I have more than once pointed out in this blog that the global persecution against Christians is one of the most under-reported stories of our time .... John Allen's above post provides the details.
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