Sunday, May 5, 2013

Joseph P. Farrell | Fake Terrorism, Covert Wars & ET Threat Assessment, May 2, 2013


May 2, 2013–Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in Patristics from the University of Oxford and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science and "strange stuff." He is the author of many books in the field of alternative research.

In the first hour we begin on the Boston Marathon bombings and what appears to an internal Gladio Operation with a huge geopolitical agenda, which could be spun in a variety of ways. Then, we’ll discuss Putin’s clash with the world government agenda. Later, Joseph talks about hidden conflicts and the creation of a breakaway civilization by the Nazis.

He discusses the advanced technology that they took with them at the end of the war and psychological war that they waged for decades on America and NATO. He’ll talk about how our system is based on stolen gold. Farrell explains why he thinks technology has moved into an entirely new ball game.
download hour 1 mp3


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