Monday, May 6, 2013

It’s Time to Remove the Psychopaths that are Destroying the World

Video Source: GRTV YouTube

Psychopathy in Politics and Finance - Stefan Verstappen on GRTV

Written Comment By: Stewart Brennan
World United News

I’ve been struggling to make sense of the trends around me as everyday the world seemingly sinks a little deeper into the pits of hell. I believe this is because of the endless negative news and actions going on day in day out across the planet. But what gives this sense of despair sharp painful teeth is that I’ve also noticed that most everyone is cheering the Worlds direction toward complete destruction without thinking of moral responsibility, common sense, or empathy for life.
To a person like myself where these characteristics of common sense, empathy and respect are built within and are main pillars of my emotional and spiritual being, the sense and feelings that the future has taken a hopeless, directionless, and perilous path, is very depressing indeed. That is why this interview with Stefan Verstappen by James Corbett is considered by me to be very timely and inspirational. It in-stills a little hope to like minded souls by saying “you are not alone in your thinking” because truly, the establishment HAS gone insane and you are not the only one who has noticed.

Action / Reaction

I think it’s safe to say that most of us are guilty now and then of temporary insanity from our own vitriolic verbal reactions to injustice, even when our belief is for moral justice to prevail. This verbal reaction can be strong enough to be viewed by critics as being of the same behavioural characteristic as a psychopath’s…but in terms of being psychopathic, it really depends on action and intent rather than verbal reaction to injustice. IE: Being angry is a normal reaction to injustice so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Visual Influences

Verbal anger expressed by the individual is based on the never-ending violence and immoral actions committed by a psychopathic establishment. Anger is a symptom of this mental torture that is widely displayed through Mainstream Mediums and Alternative News. Most of us have been so saturated with negative acts, wrong doings, and the establishments self justification for corruption, that anger screams out in response calling for justice and also to say that we have had enough. The experience can be likened to the feelings of being on a mediaeval rack that has stretched us out as far is it can possibly go without breaking us, leaving us in constant screaming loudly is a reaction don’t you think?

Who could not be outraged by all the evil being committed by the establishment through state and economic terrorism, especially when it is done in your name? Those in control of society are most definitely psychopaths and those that echo their sentiments are guilty of feeding them to enable the negative actions that come as a result.

Screaming for justice and disassociation from these evil minded animals and their aspirations of total domination is all we have left as individuals in a world that has become infected by greed. All “we the people” really want is a World based in morality, common sense, and empathy where we can all live and thrive together without fear of the psychopath or its enabling followers…Peace is something that a psychopath is incapable of thinking or doing, so its time to rid ourselves of these animals and their system of governance.

Problem / Solution

The real enemy of mankind are the Psychopaths that run the planet. These animals are a cancer to society and that cancer has spread throughout the World to every nation. It’s time to stop feeding this cancer by not taking part in their system. Stop feeding these monsters with praise, stop building their moral by asking for jobs in their system of enslavement. De-fund them. Do not partake in debt slavery; start living outside of their system.

It’s time to create the World you want to live in even while the Psychopaths try to burn the World down around you. Keep your spirit free from their negative influences and create positive energy. Live your life in full empathy for others. Use common sense and moral judgement and give of yourself to others to start this reversal of trends. I guarantee that you will be the first person to feel the positive energy of your actions. Understand that everyone is on the same mediaeval torture rack as you are so shift your thinking by making someone on the rack next to you smile…start sharing the positive energy by giving to others without expectation…let go of your fears and stop feeding the greedy system. It’s time to evolve past the psychopaths and their system of control.

Stewart Brennan
World United News & Music



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