Thursday, June 13, 2013

Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D. | The Lost History of the Little People | Segment 1 of 2


According to Dr. Susan B. Martinez, tonight's special guest, there was an advanced species of little people that covered the face of the Earth before the advent of mankind. When mankind started taking over they started disappearing almost without a trace. Yet traces of a few of them were found. In certain parts of the United States mounds were found. They contained the bones of tiny elf like people. They were brushed off as the graves of children yet they showed signs of being Middle Aged adults. Cheyenne legend holds that there was a race of people who lived in barrow or underground. They taught the Native Americans about the use of herbs and medicines plus the use of tools and technology. They were the teachers of mankind.

All around the world there are societies of little people. The bushmen of the Congo, Negritos in Indonesia, Negrillos in the Philippines and the Andamans in the continent of South America. There are legends of these little people documented all over the world, ranging from Greek, Roman, Sumerian, Irish, Norse and Native American. The little people of today live in forests, underground dwellings and high mountainous areas. As modern humans encroach they die off and their numbers become fewer.

In the barrows that have been unearthed, advanced tools have been found indicating that they knew how to build and manufacture tools long before homo sapiens even appeared. They passed their skills to us.

The little people came from an Island continent called Pan, also known as Lemuria or Mu, which like Atlantis was destroyed in a great flood. The surivivors joined everyone on the mainland. Their skin was described as white or almost translucent, you could see through their veins. They people of peace, well mannered and non violent, due to the absence of weaponry in all their burial sites. Their society was egalitarian and their beehive societal structure puts the priority on the tribe instead of members venturing alone.

They were nocturnal dwellers with moon like eyes. Their women were abducted by the homo erectus. This hybridization gave way to homo sapiens: the birth of man.


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