Thursday, June 13, 2013

New World Next Week | Catch-22, Bankster Bail-Ins, Less Peace, June 13, 2013


Story #1: Snowden, 'Catch-22' And The Dehumanization Of Our Nation

NSA Snooping Was Only the Beginning: Meet the Spy Chief Leading Us Into Cyberwar

Interview With #NSA Whistleblower William Binney

Moment Of Clarity: What You Don't Know About The NSA Spying Program

'Eagle Eye' Shia LaBeouf, Government Surveillance Whistleblower?

Connecting the Dots on PRISM, Phone Surveillance, and the NSA's Massive Spy Center

Lawmakers Refute Obama's Claim that Full Congress Knew About NSA Program

Flashback: Information Awareness Office

Story #2: Land Of The Rising Bail In - Deposit Confiscation Coming To Japan Next

Japan To Adopt 'Bail-Ins,' Force Bank Losses On Investors If Needed

U.S. Banks Profit From Facilitating Fraud Against Their Customers

Deutsche Bank Opens 200-Tonne Gold Storage Facility In Singapore

Dark Money Politics

NWNw Flashback: Cyprus To Sell €400 Million In Gold To Finance Part Of Its Bailout

Story #3: World Less Peaceful Than Five Years Ago

June 13 Starts The 100-day Countdown To The International Day of Peace

NWNW Flashback: Studies Show World 'Has Never Been This Peaceful'


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