Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tom Campbell | Scientists and the Quest for Truth, March 2013


In this interview Tom discuses the reaction of science and other scientists to My Big TOE theory.

One famous scientist once told me "It's so if we say it's so" meaning scientists decide the truth for the rest of us. May I respectfully suggest that "It may be so whether you think it's so or not"?

Let me defer to Winston Churchill here: "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."

In Tom's first book of his trilogy My Big TOE, he sets the background for how he was able to develop his Big TOE (theory of everything). His unique qualifications have been discussed before in various ways, but it was so refreshing to hear this emphasized by the interviewer Dahgda MacCuolahan (The Lovit Center) because it is vital for scientists and others to understand this very important point.


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