Thursday, September 12, 2013

Destroying Syria's Chemical Weapons Is Not Going To Be Easy

Toxic Task: How To Destroy Syria's Chemical Weapons -- NBC

The military and diplomatic hurdles to corralling Syria's chemical weapons are difficult enough, but suppose it's done: Then what happens to that deadly stockpile?

You can't just burn it. You can't bury it. And you sure can't shoot a missile at it. All those methods run the risk of spreading lethal agents, causing mass deaths and worsening an international crisis.

Based on past history, it could take billions of dollars and at least a decade to destroy Syria's estimated 1,000 tons of chemical weapons — a task complicated by the fact that removing those weapons from the mix would not end the country's civil war.

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More News On Syria's Chemical Weapons Stockpiles

Rebel leader: Syria moving its chemical weapons into Iraq, Lebanon -- CNN
Syria chemical arms destruction 'immensely difficult': IISS -- AFP
Syrian official claims access to chemical arsenal will be easy -- CBS
The problem with destroying chemical weapons -- CBS News
Removing Syria's chemical weapons easier said than done -- Al Jazeera
Britain could send experts into Syria to help destroy Assad's stockpile of chemical weapons -- Daily Mail
Viewpoints: Can Russia’s chemical weapons plan for Syria work? -- BBC
Syrian chemical weapons claims: How strong is the evidence? -- Dan Murphy, Christian Science Monitor
Dealing with Syria's chemical weapons easier said than done -- Patrick Martin, The Globe and Mail
The six steps to ridding Syria of chemical weapons -- Cheryl Rofer, The Globe and Mail


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