Monday, April 29, 2013

Tony Topping | Paranormal Espionage, OffPlanet Radio Live, April 17, 2013


Since the age of two Tony Topping has been subjected to extreme paranormal experiences: had his first real UFO encounter in 1992 , which escalated in 1996 upon returning from London to his town of Selby. In 1996 he began to have encounters with UFOs over his house, and from May 1999 until November 1999 he repeatedly filmed a UFO coming in over his house and appearing on numerous occasions. These events brought him to the attention of a covert group of people in the intelligence services, who engaged Tony over a number of years with in a campaign of covert harassment designed to keep him quiet and to test mind invasive weaponry upon him.

In 2001 the attack upon Tony with non lethal mind invasive technology was so brutal that he thought he would die from it. Being followed and filmed by unmarked helicopters was a common occurrence including the incident involving an unmarked AS555 helicopter, as well as being followed by covert agents and receiving anonymous text messages & emails from so called government people regarding disclosure of the UFO situation & the 7/7 London terrorist bombing.


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