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This is Segment 1 of 2. Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio. Synopsis Warning: This program contains language that may be offensive to some. Listener discretion is advised.
Clark McClelland has had an interesting, unique, and painful story. From 1958 to 1992 Clark worked for NASA as an ScO (spacecraft operator). During his tenure he met Apollog Mission astronaut and, according to Clar, he designed the Apollo XI emblem. He met and worked with many Germany scientists (former NAZIs) who came to the United States via Operations Paperclip. According to Drs. Werner von Braun and Hermann Oberth, they said the cannot take full credit for their technological innovations and said they had help from an extraterrestrial civilization. In 1991 Clark witnessed a 8-9 ft being in space communicating with the space shuttle crew.
In 1992, apparently, after learning so many truths, NASA decided to dismiss him on a very minor technicality. An error in the residential address written on his original employment application in 1958. His pension was canceled and he could not find any work in relevant fields of aerospace, public- or private sector-wise. He was only able to find employment in Disney World for $4.25 per hour. Clark is certain that there is a dictatorial secret shadow government, that has not only taken over NASA, but the United States of America. He strongly believed that the world is being enslaved by a few. During this very heated interview Clark recounted his meetings with former US presidents, astronauts and even his visit with former Hollywood star Jackie Gleason and his testimony about his trip to Homestead AFB with former US President Richard Nixon, where he saw wreckage from downed extraterrestrial aircraft and even bodies.
Bio Clark McClelland is a bonafide expert in the field of UFO specialists. He began his investigations of this strange phenomenon in 1947. His 60 plus years of study in the field of UFOlogy puts him in a unique class of educators and investigators. He has lectured at many national universities including Notre Dame, Penn State, Ohio State, Berea, Montana State University, New York University, Idaho State, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and others too numerous to mention. On several occasions, he was requested by students and faculty to bring his unique topic to their campus as an elective course, although his work at Kennedy Space Center at the time overruled his acceptance.
Clark McClelland's long association with the UFO phenomenon has followed him throughout his aerospace career. In 1958 he was assigned to the national space program at Cape Canaveral, Florida, and helped launch or viewed 679 rockets and spacecraft. In addition to being an Aerospace Engineer and Technical Assistant to the Apollo Program Manager during the Apollo moon landings, McClelland and other SpaceCraft Operators did extensive technical checkout of simulated flights and mission objectives of the various shuttles to assure orbital success and the personal safety of the astronauts.
McClelland knew many of the astronauts who perished during the Challenger disaster and certainly did all he could to keep each shuttle from such a repeat accident. He has held important positions involving such manned projects as Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo lunar landings, Skylab, the Space Shuttle and the Space Station. He was assigned to the cockpit of the Space Shuttle missions as a SpaceCraft Operator (Ground Test Astronaut). If anyone knows what is going on in space, with humans or otherwise, it is McClelland.
In 1960, Major Donald E Keyhoe, the International Director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) selected McClelland to be Director for the Kennedy Space Center and central Florida region. His unit members included two NASA Astronaut Flight Surgeons, many engineers, scientists and mathematicians as consultants and investigators. Later, he was chosen as the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Director at the KSC and served concurrently as Assistant State Director for Florida. McClelland's name is on three commemorative monuments, the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions -- - -- His name will be on the Space Shuttle, International Space Station and the Deep Space Missions monuments in the future. -veritasradio.com
Scientists at the University of Missouri have devised a new way to create and control plasma that could transform American energy generation and storage.
Randy Curry, professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Missouri’s College of Engineering, and his team developed a device that launches a ring of plasma at distances of up to two feet. Although the plasma reaches a temperature hotter than the surface of the sun, it doesn’t emit radiation and is completely safe in proximity to humans.
While most of us are familiar with three states of matter – liquid, gas and solid – there is also a fourth state known as plasma, which includes things such as fire and lightning. Life on Earth depends on the energy emitted by plasma produced during fusion reactions within the sun.
The secret to Curry’s success was developing a way to make plasma form its own self-magnetic field, which holds it together as it travels through the air.
“Launching plasma in open air is the ‘Holy Grail’ in the field of physics,” said Curry.
“Creating plasma in a vacuum tube surrounded by powerful electromagnets is no big deal; dozens of labs can do that. Our innovation allows the plasma to hold itself together while it travels through regular air without any need for containment.”
The plasma device could also be enlarged to handle much larger amounts of energy, he said.
For the current work, Curry and his team used older technologies to build their prototype of a plasma-generating machine. But a considerably smaller device using newer, miniaturized parts could also be built within three to five years with sufficient funding, Curry said.
“We have a world-class team at MU’s Center for Physical & Power Electronics, but that team will evaporate without funding.”
In the first hour, we’ll discuss the Boston bombings. We speculate on how the Tsarnaev brothers, possibly on the FBI payroll, were set up. Then, we talk about the independent investigations on the Internet into the bombings from sites such as Reddit and 4chan. When the public presented the FBI with suspect evidence, they were dismissed. We also cover the pressure cooker debacle. We end the first hour on the bigger geopolitical game with focus on the Middle East. -redicecreations.com download mp3
Since the age of two Tony Topping has been subjected to extreme paranormal experiences: had his first real UFO encounter in 1992 , which escalated in 1996 upon returning from London to his town of Selby. In 1996 he began to have encounters with UFOs over his house, and from May 1999 until November 1999 he repeatedly filmed a UFO coming in over his house and appearing on numerous occasions. These events brought him to the attention of a covert group of people in the intelligence services, who engaged Tony over a number of years with in a campaign of covert harassment designed to keep him quiet and to test mind invasive weaponry upon him.
In 2001 the attack upon Tony with non lethal mind invasive technology was so brutal that he thought he would die from it. Being followed and filmed by unmarked helicopters was a common occurrence including the incident involving an unmarked AS555 helicopter, as well as being followed by covert agents and receiving anonymous text messages & emails from so called government people regarding disclosure of the UFO situation & the 7/7 London terrorist bombing. -offplanetradio.com
I'm reposting my footage because of the similarity of John Lenard Walsons material below. Enjoy! Skywatch - Switzerland, near Lake Constance, August 20th, 2011. 2 Sphere Flyby over my house.
Are you wondering what might be up with ancient Anunnaki bloodlines that are still alive on our planet, Nibiru/Planet X, government cover-ups of alien contact, and much more; All of this will be covered in detail with Neil Freer who is by far the most level headed person I know when it comes to looking at all of this using common sense, historical facts, and a great deal of personal experience. -Lotus Guide
"If the Congress won't do it's job, the people will."
An event with historical implications will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC from April 29 to May 3, 2013. At that time as many as forty researchers and military/agency witnesses will testify for thirty hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress.
Tonight, we cover the Boston Marathon Bombing and subsequent events of the past week. We also welcome our good friend, Santos Bonacci, to talk about the symbolism regarding these events.
Our main topic, however, is the "God Within" ; By embracing knowledge of who and what you really are (Christ consciousness experiencing life in a human body), and realizing that that Godhood belongs to all of us, maybe we can learn to treat each other differently than we have for the last 2,000 years. -truthfrequencyradio.com
April 25, 2013–Harry Hubbard has written, arranged, directed and produced over 20 videos for Alexander Helios, Inc. focused on various archaeological sites. He has also written several non-fiction books, reports and articles concerning the archaeological discovery in Marion County, Illinois.
Harry will discuss the Illinois caves, first discovered in spring of 1925 by a local resident, Orville Lowery, of Hickory Hill, in the southeast corner of Marion County Illinois. In the first hour, Harry tells the story of how this discovery unfolded, the characters involved and how he arrived on the scene.
Harry and fellow researchers were able to amass large quantities of information from the artifacts as to who the people were that constructed the "Illinois Mystery Cave" and the identities of the corpses who lay interred within it, which he’ll talk about.
We’ll also discuss what others have found in the same area, actually called "Little Egypt." Harry comments on the mainstream archaeological community and the suppression of America’s true history. -redicecreations.com download mp3
Former presidential candidate Ron Paul has come under a vicious smear attack for his formation of an institute dedicated to cleansing America of foreign control, ending the power of the Federal Reserve and stopping the deluge of false flag terrorism that has been unleashed on America.
Paul’s organization has drawn upon the few public figures in America that have stood against the “Zionist machine.” It hasn’t taken long for the first attacks.
It began today, in the Daily Beast, an online version of Newsweek, owned by Jane Harman, long a Mossad asset. In 2011, Harman resigned from congress in disgrace after years of allegation against her for espionage on behalf of Israel. From Wikipedia:
“In October 2006, Time magazine, quoting anonymous sources, asserted that an FBI and US Department of Justice investigation of Harman was underway. The magazine alleged that Harman had agreed to lobby the Department of Justice to reduce espionage charges against Steve J. Rosen and Keith Weissman, two officials at the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). In exchange, Time said there was a quid pro quo in which AIPAC would lobby then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to appoint Harman as chair of the House Intelligence Committee if the Democrats captured the House after the 2006 elections. Harman, the FBI, the Justice Department and Pelosi’s office have all denied knowledge of or involvement with any investigation.”
Harman’s organization was chosen to smear Paul and the Ron Paul institute is easy to understand. Paul “played nice” during his failed attempt at the presidency, keeping silent about his views on Israeli influence and, especially, on 9/11.
Back in 2010, the extremely popular television host, Judge Napolitano, on the Murdoch-owned Fox network, exposed 9/11 as a false flag conspiracy. Not only is Napolitano highly respected but was, at the time, employed by the most pro-Israeli news organization in America, a nation where news organizations fall over themselves to “kiss Israel’s behind.”
Soon after shows exposing 9/11, Napolitano was taken off the air and put on “consultant” status. Since that time, there has been no reporting of 9/11 allowed in the United States other than smears against any that speak out, including family members of the victims who have, for years, petitioned every court and bought billboards along America’s highways demanding a real investigation.
The Mossad/Harman attack on Ron Paul, published today in the Daily Beast, is typical of Zionist/ADL/AIPAC/SPLC smear campaigns against any “America first” group. From today’s article by Israeli “smear-master,” James Kirchick of the Mossad based news outlet, Haaretz:
“…the list of Paul Institute board members are the 9/11 conspiracy theorists. Most prominent among them is Judge Andrew Napolitano, a legal analyst for Fox News who has said that “It’s hard for me to believe that [7 World Trade Center] came down by itself” and that the 9/11 attacks “couldn’t possibly have been done the way the government told us.”
He is joined by Eric Margolis, who, despite an apparent lack of a Ph.D. or appointment at an institution of higher learning, is listed as a member of the organization’s “academic board.” Margolis says “conclusive proof still lacks” connecting Osama bin Laden to the 9/11 attacks and has speculated that the events could have been “a plot by America’s far right or by Israel or a giant cover-up.”
Southwestern Law School professor Butler Shaffer, in an article for Rockwell’s site titled, “9/11 Was a Conspiracy,” asks, “In light of the lies, forgeries, cover-ups, and other deceptions leading to a ‘war’ in Iraq, how can any intellectually honest person categorically deny the possibility of the involvement of American political interests in 9/11?”
Also on Paul’s board are prominent former government officials who claim that American Jews constitute a “fifth column” aimed at subverting American foreign policy in the interests of Israel. Michael Scheuer, a former CIA intelligence officer, has used this precise phrase, alleging that a long list of individuals, organizations, and publications are “intent on involving 300 million Americans in other people’s religious wars.”
Kirchick calls Ron Paul, who polled as an easy winner were he to have secured nomination during the last election, as an “anti-Semite” along with those with him. A key issue is the continued use of smear tactics against any who push for a legitimate investigation into 9/11 as “Jew haters.”
It doesn’t take a genius to see the solid link between the smear tactics used and clear complicity in 9/11 by the Mossad. Were there no other evidence, and there is vast other evidence, the vicious and hateful reaction of Zionists and their Neocon underlings is more than adequate proof, not just that 9/11 is an “inside job” but a Tel Aviv-based “outside job” as well.
With the current divisions in America, the aftermath of the Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon incidents, both broadly accepted, even by the US military as “false flag” terrorism, the return of Ron Paul and his “populist” platform which had excited millions of Americans sick of Washington’s “business as usual” corruption, has threatened Israeli control over America.
Thus, “Israel Firsters” like Harmon, are receiving “marching orders” to destroy Paul and any that side with him, even to the point of labeling political independents and reform minded groups as terrorist organizations.
In fact, those lists have long been prepared by the ADL and SPLC and have been distributed among American security agencies and the “secret police.”
Calling the amalgamation of “alphabet soup” agencies, DHS, FBI, DEA, CIA, DIA, SEC, DVA, NRO, NSA, ICE, ATF and so many others anything but “secret police” is a waste of time.
The story behind Jane Harman, one of the agent provocateurs of the Israel lobby, goes much further than simply protecting Israeli spies.
From Wikipedia, clear accusations of involvement in espionage:
“In April 2009, CQ Politics, also quoting anonymous sources, said Harman had been captured on a National Security Agency wiretap prior to the 2006 elections, telling an “Israeli agent” that she would “waddle into” lobbying the Department of Justice on the AIPAC case. Harman ended the phone call, according to CQ, by saying, “This conversation doesn’t exist.”
According to CQ, then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales pressed Central Intelligence Agency Director Porter Goss to drop the agency’s investigation of Harman because he wanted Harman’s support during the NSA warrantless surveillance controversy about to break in the New York Times. Harman called the New York Times and urged them not to publish details on the program. Gonzales and Goss declined to comment.”
With Americans pushed to the breaking point, threats of gun confiscation and an acceptance that all or part of their own government is willing to sacrifice American lives in staged terror incidents, Ron Paul’s message, one he failed to convey during the election, may well be a powerful uniting force to move America onto an independent path.
The first stage, the smear campaign has started. The next step, millions of dollars, drug money, casino “skim” or Koch brothers’ oil speculation profiteering cash, money to buy off those around Paul, can be expected.
If that fails, other methods will be used, just as they were against Senator Paul Wellstone and his family.
Ron Paul and those of his institute, some with considerable experience in national security, are probably already aware.
In the last fifty years, no prominent American has stood up against Israel without dying in a plane wreck, mysterious car crash, committing suicide, often by shooting themselves several times at up to 20 feet away or ending up in prison. -------------------------------------------
Added Video Comments by: Stewart Brennan (World United News)
Owner of the World Trade Center, “Larry Silverstein” saying “Pull it” in reference to Building 7. It’s impossible to pull a building without months of pre-demolition work.
Compiled Footage of Building 7’s Collapse or should I say, Controlled Demolition.
N.S.A. Security Wing to Distance Washington from 911 Attacks
Whistle Blower Threatened with 35 years in Prison (January 04th, 2012)
Thomas Drake blew the whistle on a massive domestic information gathering scheme and was called "an enemy of the state" (speech at Sam Adams Awards)
Growing State Surveillance: National Security Agency Whistleblower William Binney (April 20th, 2012)
NSA Whistleblower William Binney
Israel did 911 By: Alan Sabrosky – Marine Vet US Army War College
NYC Firefighters Explosion Testimony
William Rodriguez Last Man Out of WTC Building – Eye Witness Testimony
Israel Did 911 - Proof
About: Gordon Duff
Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensive experience in international banking along with such diverse areas as consulting on counter insurgency, defense technologies or acting as diplomatic representative for UN humanitarian and economic development efforts. Gordon Duff has traveled to over 80 nations. His articles are published around the world and translated into a number of languages. He is regularly on TV and radio, a popular and sometimes controversial guest.
Do you see the real world around you or are you still living in the illusion the corrupt zionist governments and lame stream media show you. Are you awake and understanding your sad pathetic life is no more than that created for you by the ruling elite.
Anonymous UK - War On System
Greetings citizens of United Kingdom. We have been watching, and waiting, We make this statement and do not expect to be negotiated with we do not desire to be negotiated with. We understand that due to the actions we take we exclude ourselves from the system within which solutions are found.
There are other people than us, people whose voices emerge from the light, and not the shadows. These voices are already making clear the reforms that have been necessary for some time, and are outright required now.
This time there will be change, or there will be chaos..
April 21, 2013–Authors Troy D. McLachlan and Theodore A. Holden will discuss their new book, Cosmos in Collision, which concentrates on events in the solar system before the arrival of Saturn and its accompanying planets, including Earth.
Ted and Troy propose that the Jupiter moon Ganymede was once a liquid water world with an oxygen atmosphere fully capable of supporting life (including humans) as we know it. With Jupiter having once been in a much closer orbit to the Sun, Ganymede was warmed by both the sun and Jupiter, the latter being at that time a sub-brown dwarf similar to ancient Saturn.
They have dubbed this era of our Solar System’s history as the Antique Solar System epoch. They also propose a new theory for planet formation. This theory is based on the Herbig-Haro objects observed throughout the galaxy.
They will also introduce the concept of a Paleolithic conflict between Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals in which Neanderthals are controversially depicted as predatory hominids according to Danny Vendramini’s theories. Troy and Ted will contrast the superbly nocturnally adapted Neanderthal to Cro-Magnons during the Purple Dawn era and come to the inescapable conclusion that modern humans (Cro-Magnons) are not native to this planet. They believe they may have found a world within our solar system that once served as humanity’s original home world (Ganymede). -redicecreations.com download mp3
It has often been observed that the war on terror is unwinnable. After all, how could a war on an abstract noun ever have its "Mission Accomplished" moment? It is, according to this wisdom, meant to drag on forever. Just because a war can't be won, however, doesn't mean it can't be lost. The truth is that the war on terror is over. And America has lost. -corbettreport.com Transcript & Sources
Richard Dolan is known for his meticulous research and has written many books on UFO history. Recently, he and his co-author Bryce Zabel wrote A.D. After Disclosure, which studies the ramification in a world where the reality of extraterrestrial life is a fact.
Now Dolan is working on a new book 'Rethinking ET: UFOs for the 21st Century Mind.' In a world plagued with war, financial collapse, disease and societal problems, how relevant are UFOs these days.
During this interview filmed at the 2013 International UFO Congress, Dolan explored all possibilities and the new technological advances that make the UFO topic more mainstream, yet difficult for researchers since affordable technology can produce Hollywood-like footage that can fool the most discerning eye. -Veritasradio.com
FBI whistleblower and BoilingFrogsPost.com editor Sibel Edmonds joins us to discuss the recent Boston bombing hysteria and the potential geopolitical implications of the American public's "discovery" of Chechen terror. We discuss Sibel's work exposing the US/NATO roots of so-called Chechen terrorism, and what the FSB's involvement in this twisted tale might mean in terms of future Russian-US relations. -corbettreport.com
After I rushed to put out the last video on the suspected doctored photo, it became very obvious that I should have explained what I was referring to in more of a detailed way, so let me try to show you one example of what I was talking about in the video above…
There’s a large number of people out there that take the establishments position that the boy accused of the Boston bombing is guilty and so they openly rave that this person should be lynched and killed…SHAME on them!!...what a sad state the USA & Canada have become. Why should anyone believe the ever-changing narrative that the Mainstream media is spinning on behalf of the government? Especially after the establishment were caught lying in the past about 911, building 7, or weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The mainstream media have a responsibility to keep the government in check on behalf of the people, so their refusal to investigate concrete evidence in the past shows collusion with the incompetent that are supposed to represent the people…
Those that call for the suspects death, or lynching, seems to stem from the need to feel some sort of superiority over their fears and in my opinion are the type to lead us to the next major war. Whatever happened to investigative journalism, the right to a lawyer, or being innocent until proven guilty? Where is the empathy for life?
Government & Media Lynch party enablers lack morality, humanity, empathy for life, and many other human virtues…as for the people in this lynching party, How about common sense, human rights, and empathy…or the right to a fair trial where the term “Innocent until proven guilty” is not mere words but the ideals of a society, and its population… ~ Stewart Brennan --------------
Considering that the establishment based their whole new narrative & story about the 2 Tsarnaev brothers on this photo, citing he ran away without his backpack...a story that has clearly been manipulated to bring forth a patsy and cover the real bombers tracks, I would say this is Very significant evidence and that the FBI are trying to use these boys as Patsy’s…
Here's a False Flag of the past that was never answered by the establishment or investigated by the Mainstream Media after tons of evidence surfaced.
Most of the people awake today know about building 7 on Sept 11, but for those that are not aware, here is the 3rd building that fell on that fateful day in New York City in a major false flag attack. "World Trade Center Building 7".
Professor Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D. is at the forefront of a revolution in physics. She holds degrees in astrophysics, nuclear physics, engineering, chemistry, and physics from UC Berkeley, and is a former researcher with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the Stanford Research Institute, and NASA.
The relationship between physics and consciousness has been a core focus of Dr. Rauscher's work since the mid-1970s, when she and Berkeley colleague George Weissman founded the Fundamental Fysiks group. With a background in particle and theoretical relativistic physics, energy and environmental issues, magnetism and its use in healing, and extensive teaching qualifications, she is one of the most authoritative and imaginative voices in science today.
In this exciting segment, Dr. Rauscher guides us through her body of work at the frontier of science, philosophy, and spirituality. -itsrainmakingtime.com download mp3
Watch full screen in HD! Animation with one thousand Voyager 1 Saturn grey-scale raw data images and the reconstruction of a well known NASA image-composition from originals, plus some amazing close-ups from Cassini-Huygens of the ring system and the 'Shepherding Satellites' or 'EMVs' - the Electromagnetic Vehicles. -OmetaOne
December 17-18th, 2012, different eyewitnesses spotted a fleet of glowing UFO Orbs over Santiago, Chile. There are many eyewitnesses to this sightings. This video is a compilation of some of this incredible footage.
A friend called up our local radio station yesterday to complain: One of the radio hosts was supporting the official story of the Boston bombings, and blaming “radical Muslims from Chechnya.” The receptionist was shocked. “Did our host really say that? That’s so crazy. Everyone knows it was a false-flag attack.”
The incident illustrates the schizoid nature of Americans’ response to the Boston bombings. Increasingly, “everyone knows” it was a false-flag attack - including the ordinary people who work at radio and TV stations. But the powerful few who control the broadcast licenses, and print the news on dead trees, will be the last to admit it. At this point, the false-flag meme is just starting to enter the mainstream media.
As it does, the whole notion of “terrorism” is being re-thought.
The received notion of “terrorism” is that anti-government radicals are supposedly attacking civilians. But wait a minute - why would they do that? Why wouldn’t they just attack the government - especially the government officials, government-owning fat-cats and government-aiding media moguls who are the real objects of their hatred?
A recent headline screamed: Karl Rove Heckled Throughout Speech In Massachusetts, Called Murderer, Terrorist. Run “Karl Rove heckled” through a search engine and you’ll find many more examples.
If there were any real anti-government “terrorists,” Karl Rove would have been dead a long time ago.
For better or worse, there are very few actual anti-government terrorists. Virtually all terrorism is committed by governments.
Let’s take this from the top and define our terms. “Terrorism” means “using violence against civilians to create fear for political purposes.”
Who does that? Who has the motivation to do it?
Only governments. It is well-known that governments terrorize the citizens of countries they invade and occupy. The US, for example, murdered many millions of Vietnamese citizens in a doomed attempt to terrorize them into submission. Ditto for Indonesia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many other places. This is real terrorism - terrorism on a massive, genocidal scale.
It is less well-known that the very same governments also terrorize their own citizens - more subtly, and on a smaller scale.
In the US, militarized police forces terrorize African-American communities. Almost every day, an African-American is extra-judicially executed by police.
White Americans are terrorized in sneakier and less brutal fashion: They are fed a diet of violence and fear-mongering propaganda by the media. Those who break out of the fear bubble, and go to Occupy demonstrations, may have their skulls smashed by police billy clubs.
As the BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares explains, Western governments once ruled through fear, peppered by sprinkles of hope. Now that there is no longer any hope for Western economies, these governments rule almost entirely through fear. The Power of Nightmares documents the fact that the whole concept of the “terrorist threat” was invented out of whole cloth by Western governments: there is no actual group called al-Qaeda, and no such thing as any significant anti-government terrorism.
“Al-Qaeda” is the name of a ragged hodge-podge of dupes and mercenaries. They terrorize Syrians on behalf of the US and Israeli governments. And they terrorize Americans on behalf of the US and Israeli governments.
False-flag terrorism is designed to make citizens willingly surrender their liberty, their money, their power, and even their children’s lives.
The Boston Marathon bombing appears to have been yet another false-flag attack. The government tells us that there were no terror drills that day. But eyewitness reports, and a Boston Globe twitter feed about police exploding a bomb at the library, prove the government is lying. Why would they lie and deny the obvious fact that terror drills coincided with the actual bombing?
And what about the paramilitary team captured in photographs of the bombing? Men from the DHS-linked mercenary firm Craft International, sporting caps with the distinctive Craft skull logo, were photographed wearing large black backpacks like those that held the bombs. The photos place members of this paramilitary team at the bomb locations just moments before the attacks. Other photos show them rendezvousing after the operation.
The entire family of the surviving accused bomber, Dzhokar Tsarnaev, has been screaming “false flag” from the rooftops. Their mother says FBI agents “were controlling every step” her sons took, and called the event a set-up. Their father says “Somebody clearly framed them.” Their aunt pointed out that Chechens have been set up as patsies in other false-flag terror events, adding “I don’t trust (the) FBI. I don’t trust any agencies.”
And it isn’t just the Tsarnaev family. Everyone who knows the Tsarnaev brothers agrees. As Steve Watson reported for Infowars.com, “People who know Dzhokar Tsarnaev say it is impossible that he would commit an act of terror.”
Even the surviving suspect himself appears to be aware of the ubiquity of false-flag attacks. According to reports, his Twitter feed included: “Idk why it’s hard for many of you to accept that 9/11 was an inside job.”
If he still had access to his Twitter account, he would be tweeting: “Idk why it’s hard for many of you to accept that the Boston bombings were also an inside job.”
But more and more people ARE accepting that 9/11, and most other seemingly senseless attacks against civilians - including the Boston Marathon bombings - are inside jobs.
The global awakening to the ubiquity of false-flag terrorism is a Copernican revolution that overturns the old paradigms about the way societies are governed.
This “great awakening” offers us the chance to overthrow the old paradigm of rule by fear, and to work for a better world - a world of fearless people ruled by wisdom and compassion.
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, is one of America's best-known critics of the War on Terror. Dr. Barrett has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He is the co-founder of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance, and author of the books Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie (2007) and Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters (2009). His website is http://www.truthjihad.com /
Hundreds dead and thousands injured in China earthquake 6.6 - 7.0
An earthquake strikes Sichuan province leaving dozens of people dead and hundreds injured, Chinese media says.
More than 100 people have died and thousands injured after an earthquake struck China's southwestern province of Sichuan, Chinese media says. The quake, measured at varying magnitudes between 6.6 and 7.0, hit at 8.02am local time close to the city of Ya'an in Lushan county and the epicentre had a depth of 8 miles (13km), Xinhua reported.
It set off landslides, destroyed buildings and has triggered a major rescue operation involving 2,000 troops. The quake was felt strongly by residents in neighbouring provinces and in the provincial capital city of Chengdu, causing many to rush outside, according to accounts on China's Weibo microblogging service. A resident in Chengdu said he was on the 13th floor of a building when he felt the quake. The building shook for about 20 seconds and he saw tiles fall from nearby buildings. The quake struck close to where a massive tremor occured in 2008, killing 68,000 people.
China earthquake aftermath: Many dead, thousands injured & homeless
Mr. Daniels is a pilot with over 30,000 hours of flight time spanning 59 years. He entered the Air Force and became a B-17 pilot surviving 29 combat missions. After leaving the Air Force, he worked for United Airlines for 35 years. He tells about the time in March of 1977 when he was flying a commercial flight from San Francisco to Boston. The plane was on autopilot when by itself it began to bank left. He looked out the window and noticed a brilliant bright light. The first and second officers both saw it also. -SiriusDisclosure.com
The specter of terror is once again being raised to haunt the collective consciousness of the American psyche. But as the terror meme rears its ugly head, we see an understanding of false flag terrorism creeping into the mainstream discourse. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we explore the real terror paradigm and examine who really hates you for your freedoms. -corbettreport.com download mp3
We welcome back to the broadcast our good friend, Christopher Everard, to discuss the recent passing of Margaret Thatcher. We highlight the fascist nature of her regime and how it affected not just Britain, but the entire world. We discuss the BBC's cheerleading of Mrs. Thatcher, as well as known sexual predators like Jimmy Saville, and how they whitewashed Thatcher's involvement with right-wing death squads in South America. -truthfrequencyradio.com
An event with historical implications will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC from April 29 to May 3, 2013.
At that time as many as forty researchers and military/agency witnesses will testify for thirty hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress.
The Citizen Hearing Committee will be Senator Mike Gravel (Dem/Lib, AK), Congresswomen Lynn Woolsey (Dem, CA), Carolyn Kilpatrick, (Dem, MI), Darlene Hooley (Dem, OR); and Congressmen Roscoe Bartlett (Rep, MD) and Merrill Cook (Rep, UT).
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will be filmed as the basis for a forthcoming documentary- Truth Embargo - by Just Cause Entertainment. For more information on the Citizen Hearing, visit: citizenhearing.org
Source: redicecreations.com, edfu-books.com April 18, 2013–Ralph Ellis has been researching biblical and Egyptian history for more than 30 years. Being independent from theological and educational establishments allows Ralph to tread where others do not dare, and it is through this independence that Ralph has made many new biblical and historical discoveries.
He returns to discuss his latest book, Jesus, King of Edessa. Ralph will talk about the Edessa family, a royal family most have never heard about. Ralph has discovered that one of the princes of Edessa had the same names as Jesus. We’ll discuss Josephus Flavius as a historian who worked for the Romans writing their propaganda, deleting the Edessa family. Ralph will explain how manufactured biblical gospel is still a version of the truth, written using the pesher technique. -Red Ice Creations download mp3
Story #1: Boston Marathon Bombings Fuel Conspiracy Theories, Speculation Of False Flag Operations Boston Marathon Massacre: Police Don't Deny Running "Drills On Morning Of Attack" Boston Marathon Runner: 'Police Warned of Training Exercise' 'Daily News' Doctored Front-Page Photo From Boston Did Anonymous Find The Boston Bombers? FBI Cancels Press Conference Amid Conflicting Reports
Story #2: Federal Employee Financial Disclosures To Remain Offline From SOPA to CISPA How Your ISP Will Take Six Strikes At Suspected Pirates Video: Adam Kokesh's Copyright Alert
Story #3: Epicenter of Quake Misses Iran's Nuclear Sites Earthquake Shakes Papua New Guinea Strong Japan Quake Injures 23; Aftershocks Expected For About A Week Japan Sends Mistaken Missile Alert to Airports After Quake In Light Of Biggest Solar Flare Of Year, Did Piers Corbyn Predict All Of This?
April 17, 2013–Lisa Arbercheski works as part of the team at Tragedy and Hope Communications, empowering people by combining education and mass media. Tragedy and Hope creates holistic projects targeted at addressing mankind’s most urgent concerns; while laying a foundation to carry us into the future while empowering all people with the information to make informed decisions in their lives. Lisa will talk about the needs of humankind and how we’ve been deprived of the most basic functions, in turn creating physical and psychological issues.
We’ll discuss the detrimental effects of the school system, which teaches group think. Lisa talks about the long term implications of control and letting authority do the thinking for us. She de-mystifies the trivium and explains how it really aids one to think clearly and consistently. Later, we speak about disconnecting from the collective and reclaiming the sovereignty of our minds without losing our sense of community. We end the hour on government, anarchy, human rights and the true alternative. -Radio 3Fourteen download mp3
The Boston Marathon bombing has provoked shock, grief and outrage from around the world. After decades of conditioning, the public automatically equates such terrorism with Muslim radicals. But the evidence shows that every major terror plot on American soil in the past 10 years has been fostered, funded and equipped by one organization: the FBI. -GRTV.ca Transcript & Sources
This is an urgent. A new and terrible thing is happening in the west coast central African nation of Gabon, increasing every year to the silence of the world as politicians and media.
The most gruesome murders are happening to children, men and women with total impunity. In a country where the president of Gabon (Ali Bongo) puts the army on every street corner, every night these murders are called ritual killings, and they are performed in a horrible manner in order to harvest spare parts. The sex, ears, tongue, nose, heart, kidney, blood, flesh and skin. These body parts are then sold to powerful people who have promised youth, health, wealth, promotion, success and especially honor n' power in exchange for organs of a child.
Killings escalate when an election or political nominations are near. on March 17, 2013. Asema stride, a 7 year old girl was killed and left without eyes or lips; And her blood sucked out. How can crimes of this scale continue to be unpunished. The answer is because the criminals are the ones ruling the country. Silence encourages the expenantiol growth in ritual murders.
On April 13 the brave people of Gabon will try to march in protest of these killings and to honor the victims. They have once more been denied permission to protest and the world refuses to report on them.
On April 17th, Ali Bongo will be in the united states to meet with Barack Obama.
We are asking you to join us urgently, to demand justice and put an end to the impunity and joy who commit endurity horrors.
On April 6th the people of Gabon were forced to delay their peaceful march and the people of Lyon, France protested for them. If the people of Gabon are again prevented from marching, anonymous will protest for them.
Follow us on Twitter: @OpGabon Use HashTag: #OpGabon
We Are Anonymous We Are Everywhere We Are The Voice Of The Voiceless We Are Legion Tyrants Of The World Expect Us
Alastair Stevenson is thankful he was able to finish the Boston Marathon in the time he did. Had he not, the tragic circumstances unfolding in downtown Boston might have personally affected him. "
My wife, Melanie, was sitting in the same exact spot (where the explosion occurred) for five hours," Stevenson, cross country coach for both the men's and women's teams at the University of Mobile, said today. "She got up and left when I finished the race. Had I run slower, it might have been a different ball game."
Stevenson, 37, ran and completed his first Boston Marathon, leaving the scene once his race was over so he could get a shower. He and his wife were returning to the finish line area when two blasts went off killing two people and reportedly injuring at least 28. More Here
Source: veritasradio.com, jeftech.net This is Segment 1 of 3. Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio. Synopsis It would be very difficult to summarize this interview as it includes a plethora of topics, ranging from Jef Harvey's experience as a former U.S. Navy Intelligence Operative. During his tenure in the military, Jef came very close to the truth. Some he cannot still mention due to his top secret clearance, but he does mention many other encounters with pedophiles within the military; multi-country submarines that seem to be guarding something of importance in the Marianas Trench.
In addition, Jef Harvey comes forward with information regarding an implant of unknown origin removed by Dr. Roger Leir. The latter was televised during an episode of UFO Hunters. Jef believes UFO Hunters is nothing but COINTELPRO and many of its cast are there with the purpose of maintaining the Status Quo and to be gatekeepers for the establishment. During the episode the producers did not mention that the implant could have been placed by the U.S. Military. Jef discusses his current work with radionics and issues recommendations of how to detoxify of all the poisons in our food, air, water, and mind. This is a 3-segment / 3-hour interview with a lot of information. You may have to listen more than once to absorb it all.
Bio Jef Harvey is a technologist and healing arts practitioner working with emerging technologies in the healing field. Jef specializes in chronic disease reversal and accelerated deep tissue wound healing. Jef is a board certified Quorum Nutrition Consultant.
Jef spent six years in the United States Navy Electronics unit assigned to the USS John F. Kennedy CV-67 Intelligence Center. Jef worked four years in Industrial Infrared moisture detection and sampling to 6 decimal places.
Jef has actively worked 10 plus years in health research. He is highly trained in low frequency sound therapy. He works closely with various naturopathic physicians and medical doctors to provide integrative support.
Jef completed continuing education classes from the American Naturopathic Medical Association. He is highly sought out to speak on national and international radio shows about healing and detoxification. He has been interviewed by " Coast to Coast Am and many others". His You Tube videos and interviews are available to all.
The Iranian Seismological Center (IRSC) said the epicenter of the quake, which occurred at 15:14 local time at a depth of 18 kilometers on Tuesday, was situated 95 kilometers north of the city of Saravan.
The quake, unprecedented in the past 40 years, prompted officials to declare a state of emergency in the region.
Assessment and evaluation teams as well as rescue teams from the Iranian Red Crescent Society have been dispatched to the quake-stricken area, which is a sparsely populated rural area between the provincial cities of Saravan and Khash.
The tremor was powerful enough to be felt as far away as New Delhi, India, where it rocked tall buildings. It was also felt in the Persian Gulf's littoral states of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
According to Press TV correspondent, at least nine people have been killed and 100 others injured in Balochistan province of Pakistan near Iran border, after the major quake hit Iran's southeastern parts.
Officials and local sources told Press TV that several houses were destroyed due to earthquake in Panjgur District near Iran border on Tuesday, killing five people including two women.
Meanwhile, at least two people were killed because of the quake in Chahaai area also in Pakistan's Balochistan Province. M7.8 - 83km E of Khash, Iran 2013-04-16 10:44:20 UTC
The number of casualties will be very high - No credible report as of now. The earthquake was felt from India to Saudi Arabia.
Event Time 2013-04-16 10:44:20 UTC 2013-04-16 15:14:20 UTC+04:30 at epicenter 2013-04-16 06:44:20 UTC-04:00 system time Location 28.107°N 62.053°E depth=82.0km (51.0mi)
Nearby Cities 83km (52mi) E of Khash, Iran 168km (104mi) NE of Iranshahr, Iran 192km (119mi) SE of Zahedan, Iran 232km (144mi) SSW of Rudbar, Afghanistan 606km (377mi) NE of Muscat, Oman
E.T.s are real, and Marcia Schafer has had contact since childhood. She offers a glimpse into her view of reality, choosing to inspire individual accountability and efforts to upgrade our actions upon the planet as we enter into a larger awareness of our role in the Universe, on this edition of Conscious Living.
As a change catalyst, Marcia Schafer takes her audience into the unexplored as she transforms our understanding of the world around us along with our future. She prepares us for the special needs of the 21st century at this exciting time and highlights through her own personal experiences the truth of our extraterrestrial reality.
An award winning author, Marcia has been featured in magazines, radio, television and videos and has shared the stage around the world with astronauts, Pulitzer Prize winners and other notables. The London Times Sunday Magazine special edition "50 Years in Space" included Marcia in their exclusive look at our cosmos. Confessions of an Intergalactic Anthropologist, which tells her story, has been read in over twenty five countries and is a prior Glyph Award recipient.
She founded the inventive consulting firm Beyond Zebra® to give aspiring leaders the skills they need to build a better future, and combines knowledge of extraterrestrial reality along with a hint of mysticism in her training of up and coming entrepreneurs. With clients in over thirty five countries she's dedicated to changing the course of our future and uses her information to reposition them for a very different tomorrow.
Graham Hancock was recently interviewed by William Rowlandson Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at the University of Kent. The interview focused on many different aspects of Graham's work but with particular emphasis on his recent ventures in fiction -- Entangled, published in 2010 and his forthcoming novel War God, about the Spanish Conquest of Mexico. In this extract from the longer interview Graham talks about the treatment of violence in his novels and about the struggle of good against evil. Are these real, primal forces or projections of our own minds and cultures? What do they have to teach us? Why dwell on them in works of fiction?
April 14, 2013–Maria Wheatley is a writer, dowser and researcher of earth mysteries specializing in the geodetic system of earth energies and ley lines. She organizes regular tours of sacred sites and medieval churches and cathedrals in the South West of England to locate and interact with the monument's hidden energies. Her late father Dennis Wheatley was considered a master dowser who discovered the hidden chakra system within Glastonbury Abbey and how it was ritualistically used by the royal bloodline.
For the past ten years Maria has continued researching the many ways in which our prehistoric ancestors harnessed and utilized the Earth force. Wheatley studied landscape archaeology at the University of Bath in Swindon. She is co-author of Avebury Sun Moon and Earth and she recently founded the Avebury School of Esoteric Studies.
She will discuss ancient concepts and new findings related to the geodetic system of earth energies and ley lines. In the second hour we'll talk about the curry grid and the harmful effects of earth energies. Maria explains the basics of dowsing and how to locate both the neutral spaces and those causing geopathic stress. If you're sleeping night after night for an extended period right over one of these crossings, it could mean trouble. Maria, shares what she believes is the real age of Stonehenge. Later, she speaks of a strange metal plate object found near Stonehenge, dating back to the Elizabethan era. -Red Ice Creations download hour 1 mp3
Richard Dolan is a leading historian and author about UFOs and related phenomena. He is author of UFOs and the National Security State (currently in 2 volumes) and co-author of A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth about Alien Contact. He also has a new book, due out in early 2013: Rethinking ET: UFOs for the 21st Century Mind. This is a fresh overview of the UFO phenomenon and everything related to it, with a view toward the future as well as the past.
April 11, 2013–Chris Thomas is an author and healer who describes himself as having been `hard-wired to the Akashic since birth.' This gives him a unique perspective from which to describe the human path of development, how humanity first appeared on planet Earth and what is our destiny. Our information on this has, says Chris, been distorted and mis-remembered over the course of millennia.
In the first hour, Chris talks about the 13 races in the universe which include non-physical, semi-physical and physical form entities. We’ll also discuss the soul origin of these entities. Chris then explains how Earth is a unique, physical manifestation. He’ll discuss Earth’s beginning and the early human prototypes. We end the hour on beneficial technology given to humanity from non-human races. -Red Ice Creations download hour 1 mp3
We welcome our main guest, Dr. Robert Schoch to the broadcast to discuss his latest book, Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future. We also discuss his past work with John Anthony West on the dating of the Sphinx, and ponder the civilizations that built the monument, as well as the other ancient, sophisticated architecture left behind from thousands of years earlier than we ever thought possible just decades ago. -truthfrequencyradio.com
Niara Isley, an Abductee, and former Radar specialist at the Tonapay test range near Area 51, describes fort in 2010, then 2013, here terroir, and abuse at the hands of the humans at Area 51. Raped by her prison guards in front of an alien, shows the brutality of the MILABs. -ammach.co.uk
Story #1: Cyprus To Sell €400 Million In Gold To Finance Part Of Its Bailout Flashback: FDR Issues Executive Order 6102 Banning Gold Ownership Related: The Bitcoin Bubble Explained - Understanding The Mathematics Of The Inevitable Bitcoin Crash
Story #2: Israeli Hackers And Anonymous Continue Their Cyber Strife Related: Electronic Arts Wins Worst Company In America Poll Again
Story #3: First Magic Mushroom Clinical Trial Hits Stumbling Block Governments Block Research On Using Magic Mushrooms To Treat Depression Flashback: Study Shows 'Spiritual' Effects Of Magic Mushrooms Bonus: Portland Fluoride - Politics, Science And Our (Not-So) Liberal Minds
The recent bail-in in Cyprus has given the world a glimpse at the future of the banking landscape. Now, as Canada gets set to hardwire the bail-in process into law, analysts like Michel Chossudovsky are warning how the big banks can use this template to further consolidate their monopoly of economic control. -GRTV Transcript & Sources
Firsthand testimony from a seargent in The US Air Force regarding chemtrails.
"Published on Apr 9, 2013 At the 2013 Atlanta Music Liberty Fest, Kristen Meghan, former Air Force Bio-Environmental Engineer gave a ground breaking presentation of what she had discovered about Chemtrails while serving her Country. This BRAVE young lady has put her livelihood / life on the line for U.S. Please take a minute to thank her and help U.S. by redistributing this Video and any other VALID information about Chemtrails to as many people as you can! This is a GLOBAL issue, other countries must get this information as well. "they" are spraying the majority of the population... Why?"
April 7, 2013–Kevin Barrett is an Arabist-Islamologist scholar and one of America's best-known critics of the War on Terror. From 1991 through 2006 Dr. Barrett taught at colleges and universities but was ultimately fired and blacklisted from teaching in American schools. The Anti-Defamation League names Barrett as one of the leading promoters of anti-Semitic 9/11 conspiracy theories. Kevin ran for congress in Wisconsin in 2008, and currently works as a nonprofit organizer, public speaker, author and talk radio host.
In the first hour we’ll discuss his awakening to the false flag attack on 911. He’ll talk about the bigger agenda at hand, requiring the eradication of the constitution. Kevin explains how America is being led by a Presidential dictatorship, linked to a Freemasonic plot bringing us into the New World Order. Barrett also talks about bankers financing secret societies, who are ultimately about world government. Later in the first hour, we cover the role of Zionists, the State of Israel and the Rothschilds. Kevin ends the hour on the power of brainwashing through shocking the masses into a child like state so that they will listen to authority. -Red Ice Creations download mp3