Sunday, March 10, 2013

E.A. James Swagger on OffPlanet Radio | Archeo-Acoustics and Ancient Altered Consciousness, March 6, 2013


James Swagger trained as a Systems Analyst in the energy industry. He has a taught Masters degree in engineering, a Bachelors degree in Physics with astronomy, and a Masters degree in Science, Research and Society. Initially James Swagger sought out the megalithic monuments of Western Europe in his spare time travelling around the UK, Ireland, and Denmark. His embrace of a multidisciplinary approach to the research of megalithic sites, and the larger view of passage grave cosmology produced his first book, -The Newgrange Sirius Mystery: Linking Passage Grave Cosmology with Dogon Symbology-.

We discuss his current explorations in astro-archeology which includes upcoming travel to the world's oldest megalithic site, Gobecki Tepli; and his latest stream of inquiry: 'The Newgrange Acoustics Mystery: Linking Passage Grave Acoustics with Dogon Mythology'.


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