Monday, September 24, 2012

Iranian president calls for immediate overhaul of UN Security Council

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (C) delivers a speech at the High-level Meeting of the 67th Session of the General Assembly on the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on September 24

Source: Press TV

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for a total structural overhaul of the United Nations Security Council in order to facilitate the observance of the rule of law in international interactions.

Ahmadinejad made the remarks at the High-level Meeting of the 67th Session of the General Assembly on the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on Monday.

“The discriminatory privilege, the influential and imposed role of the Security Council as well as [the right of] veto and some of its owners are unacceptable and illegitimate and for that reason the Security Council is incapable of administering justice and maintaining a stable order and security in the world,” Ahmadinejad said.

He called on all UN member states to reach an immediate agreement on a total overhaul of the UN Security Council in the interests of justice and the nations of the world.

“Today, we see that some veto holders remain silent over the atomic bombs of the fake Zionist regime [of Israel] or support [the regime], but at the same time they hinder the scientific achievements of other nations,” Ahmadinejad noted.

“By making false reference to the UN Charter and by misusing [the concept of] liberty, they remain silent over insults to the sanctities of humanity and the divine prophets or they lend support to offenders, infringe on the freedom of others, and allow insults against sanctities and people,” the Iranian president added.
Ahmadinejad censured the hegemonistic powers for imposing their will on nations and violating the inalienable rights and liberties of the people of the world under the pretext of defending freedom and international security.

He stated out that all governments must be treated equally and should be committed to international law.

The Iranian president also enumerated 10 proposals of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the better observance of law in international relations.

Following is the list of Iran's 10 proposals.

1. By immediate reform of the regulations, the General Assembly, as the main pillar of the UN, must regain its true position as the manifestation of public participation in global management.

2. The regulations governing the Security Council must be totally transformed and reformed in the interests of nations and justice, through the participation of all members of the General Assembly immediately.

3. The progressive principles of equality and justice must be observed in the enactment and implementation of the law.

4. The international community should hold occupiers accountable and should try to return occupied lands to their real owners, and the rights of nations should be upheld.

5. The principles of the prohibition of threats and the initiation of force in relations between states and the peaceful resolution of differences should be the basis of the rule of law at the international level.

6. The principle of sovereign equality of states should be observed. All the governments should have an equal opportunity in management cooperation, normalization, and decision making at the international level.

7. All governments should equally honor their international commitments according to international treaties and regulations.

8. No government should abide by the rules imposed by the hegemonistic countries.

9. Legitimate and legal rights of states and nations should be respected.

10. Respect for divine prophets and celestial religions, the common heritage of mankind, should be under legal protection in all societies so as to control the hostilities which result in hatred and war between human beings and atrocities and to strengthen peace and convergence of the people .



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